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Writer's pictureVy Gia Luu

Week 2 Reflection


In the past two weeks, we have been looking at multiple sources that will help us develop a standpoint for our final class question. Public pedagogy comes in various forms and teaches a variety of lessons to its audience. By looking at these sources, it allows us to be able to identify how public pedagogy affect the public's values. This week, I had the opportunity to listen to the lecture, "Killing Us Softly" by Jean Kilbourne, where she discusses how advertisements affect public opinions on gender and beauty. We also looked at an essay written by Haas and Trapedo called, "Looking into the Magic Mirror: Disney's Impact on the Fairy Tale Genre" where they discuss the transition of Disney's values over time. When looking at these two sources, we were assigned the task of annotating the lecture as well as finding the main point from the essay. By doing so we are satisfying the first objective of the class which is:

Develop habits for engaged reading, such as knowing who the author is, predicting, reading with a purpose, reading to find the main idea, making connections with what you're reading, asking questions, reading for meaning, reading for style, reading as a writer... apply these reading skills to various kinds of texts, including written, audio, video, and websites -- and also peer review. Practice annotating as you read to engage with the text. ("Course Objectives")


By doing these two activities I was able to read with a clear mind of what I'm trying to look for in the text. With all the discussions and note-taking throughout the last two weeks, I also learn to be attentive when looking at a text. When reading and writing I usually just read to answer the prompt. With what we have done in class so far, I was forced to connect my observations with my own life. This helps me understand the text better and have a clear understanding of what I'm diving into. With the annotations we've done I have an idea of how to correctly annotate as well as being able to summarize the main idea of the text.


Looking into the Magic Mirror: Disney's Impact on the Fairy Tale Genre

When reading the essay, "Looking into the Magic Mirror: Disney's Impact on the Fairy Tale Genre" by Haas and Trapedo, we are required to find excerpts from the text that would fulfill what we need to look for. In the beginning, we are required to predict the content of the essay by looking at the title. Next, while reading the text we are required to make connections to our lives, ask questions about the text, define public pedagogy, and identify excerpts about beauty and gender roles. After that, we wrote a summary of the essay and analyze the steps we took throughout the reading.


When looking at the lecture, "Killing Us Softly" by Jean Kilbourne, we were told to write a summary of what we think the main idea is. Afterward, we need to look back at all our summaries and choose the top 5 main ideas from the lecture. We were then told to go back and write a quote from the time stamp we marked down with the summary. The last part of the assignment is writing a summary that contains quotes from the lecture.

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