Writing Showcase
Hello everyone! One of the biggest projects for this class is the analysis essay that is due at the end of the quarter. We completed many assignments throughout the past 10 weeks that helps with the analysis essay. For instance, we did many annotations on different films to help provide scenes to answer the course question. Not only that we also watched and read lectures, articles, and essays to further build on our understanding of the prompt. So continue to read this page to see my process throughout the quarter!
1. Planning and Exploratory Writing
Section 2: Peer Review
The reason I choose this peer review to showcase on my portfolio is because of its usefulness. My classmate did not just compliment my work, but he also added more information that I can talk about in my introduction paragraphs. This helps build more credibility in my writing. This help me improve my peer view skill because it's brining my attention to the way I should read other discussions and give similar insightful reviews.
The Best Advice I Got
The Best Advice I Gave
The reason I picked this assignment is because of much thinking I put into writing this review. With the highlighted section, I believe the writer will further analyze what they can talk about. Through this assignment I learned to improve my peer review skills. This assignment not only benefit the writer that I'm leaving the review for, but it's also beneficial for me. Since my classmate did the same film as I did, I was able to analyze the film further. ​