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Podcast/ Microsite Project

The podcast/ microsite project is a project that we have to put together with our fellow group members. Within the group, we are told to create a podcast about the class question that we have been researching for the past 7 weeks. To accompany the podcast there's a microsite that will act as the page of our podcast. The assignment was meant to help us bring all the course objectives we learned throughout the past weeks and organize them into one area. This project is also the stepping stone for the final essay for the class.

Section 1: Pre-Production: Preparation and Planning


In this assignment, we were told to look at a lecture by Kilbourne and annotate it. First, we write down the time stamp and then summarize what Kilbourne is saying at that moment. With this assignment, we learned to apply reading skills to various types of texts, such as a video. Not only that, I learned to develop a habit for my own writing process. For example, I would write down all the points that I think are interesting. Then I would go back and see which points match the prompt I'm trying to answer. Then I would use those points and would have extra notes about the topic that I can go back to if I need it.

Section 2: Production--Creating the Podcast and Microsite


This is a snippet of our script. I was the host of the podcast and in this section, I included another source that I found into my script. By doing so I have other sources to back up my points. This connects with the course objective of improving one's ability to write prose that is focused and full of details.

Section 3: Looking Ahead in Three Paragraphs

With the podcast/ microsite project, there are many aspects that I can improve on. For my draft of my script, I didn't look into the assignment until the day of. Even though my script came out okay, I just feel that if I decided to spend more time on it; it would be more organized with more details. For my recording, I also waited until the last minute to finish up the recordings. Everything turned out okay in the end. However, I learned that if I didn't procrastinate then my work would come out a lot better.


Through collaborating with my fellow group members I learned that everyone's opinions are different. Due to this, we want to express our thoughts and ideas we shouldn't come off as too strong. By doing so, others will not be able to express their ideas. I also learned that it's best for everyone to compromise and include a little of everyone's ideas into the final product. In this way, everyone will be happy at the end of the day.

From creating the content of the script I realized that comparing multiple movies can be overwhelming for the readers. With the podcast, it's understandable to include a lot of Disney princesses because we have a lot of people discussing the topic. With the essay, I would cut down on the number of characters that I'm going to talk about. Not only that, I would also zone into one specific question and elaborating further on that one question. Something I would keep from the podcast is the structure of introducing the topic to the readers.

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